Curriculum Vitae



Birthday May 6th 1937 




1953 – 1960 Escola Massana, Barcelona; 1962 Hammersmith College of Art and Building, London; 1967 Sunderland Polytechnic of Art and Design, Sunderland, UK; Kyoto City University of Arts, Japan;


1981 Member of the International Academy of Ceramics, Geneva.


Professional activities


1965 – 2002 Ceramic professor at Escola Massana, Barcelona; 1976 – 1977 Visiting ceramic professor at the Facultad de Artes Plásticas Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico; 1979 Visiting professor, spring course, Harwich College, Oneonta, NY; 1992 summer course Haifa University, Israel.


Invited ceramist


1980 International Ceramic Symposium, Bechyñe, Chec R. 1989 2ª Triennale de la Porcelaine, Nyon, Switzerland; 1994 European Ceramic Work Centre S’Hertogenbosch, Netherland; 1997 Atelier de Céramique Artistique Mediterranéenne, Hamamet, Tunis; Seminario de Estudios de Sargadelos, Lugo; 1998 International Symposium, Siklos, Hungary.


Individual and collective exhibitions


From 1962 in Spain (Barcelona, Tarragona, Girona, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla, Las Palmas, Zaragoza, Logroño, etc…) and International (France,Japan, Belgium, Korea, USA, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Switzerland, Germany, etc…)




1966 Grant from Diputacion de Barcelona, studies in England; 1969

Art Scholarship from Dotacion de Arte Castellblanc for the University of fine Arts, Kyoto, Japan; 1982 Grant for research, Generalitat de Catalunya; 1987 Travel Scholarship to Japan Generalitat de Catalunya.


Her works can be found in private collections, national and international museums.


Since 1980 on she has specialized in porcelain.